Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos, a Greek American journalist and television hostess is an actor. She has hosted Extra as well as E! The show has also been a TV reporter for Today Access Hollywood. In 2006 she hosted the Eurovision Song Contest in Athens Greece. In the course of the broadcast, the 44-year old presented an update on her health, and said she's doing well after privately battling stage 2 pancreatic cancer earlier this year. Menounos addressed the audience: I'm great. I'm feeling great. I'm grateful for my health and have my daughter. Litsa Menounos who is Maria's mother, had been diagnosed with glioblastoma multififorme (GBM), a malignant and hard-to-treat type of brain cancer at the end of August in 2016, at age 60. Menounos was a dedicated caregiver for her mother while she underwent radiation therapy and chemo. Mariah Carey (born May 25 1964) is an American singer record producer actress. Guinness World Records refers to her as "the Songbird Supreme" for her five-octave voice range as well as her melismatic voice style and use of whistles.

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